Tag Archives: Sagada

“That Thing Called Tadhana” – A Clever Take on the Ordinary Life

that thing called tadhanaImage courtesy of: http://www.flipgeeks.com

So this is my first ever movie review, which I will feature on my blog and I chose to do a review on a recent Filipino movie I watched, “That Thing Called Tadhana.” Anyway, I saw the trailer of this movie a couple of weeks ago and I really had no plan of seeing it on the big screen because I thought that it would just be the usual Rom-Com Filipino movies that we see (And I didn’t want to waste another 220php for an undeserving film.) However, a few reviews had me think twice and last Monday, I finally decided to see it!

To create a more detailed review of the film, I thought of collecting a few questions (that I created myself) and give my most honest answers. Here we go!

What can you say about the film as a whole?

Well I’ve seen a lot of stories like this and the movie is no different but I got to say that this film made something different by making things more realistic. For example, the dialogues of the actors are a reflection of how normal people naturally talk – the expressions, even the bad words. The scenes, I can say, portray how people fall in love and get hurt but choose to love again. It wasn’t a “Fairy Tale” movie where a poor girl falls in love with a rich guy. It wasn’t. Rather, the movie capitalized on conversations, which I believe, are what people (especially the heartbroken ones) are looking for. Finally, the ending was not predictable (I won’t spoil you on this one.) I kind of liked it actually.

Did the movie affect you in any way?

To be honest, I haven’t really experienced what Angelica Panganiban (Mace) underwent in the film, however the movie still affected me for the reason that I learned how desperate people can be when it comes to love. I haven’t been in an eight-year relationship that suddenly ended but I was able to see in the movie how it could turn out and for me, the acting was believable. Ending any relationship probably hurts so much for people who are deeply in love with each other and I, for one, don’t have the right to judge people who undergo such terrible things.

Technically, was the movie good?

I should say yes! The cinematography, for one, was good! I still remember that moment they were running towards the clouds in Sagada – that was surreal. The music, as well as all the other sounds, was considerably good as well. Well, I’m not an expert movie critique but I could tell that it was technically nice.

Was the movie worth your money?

I’ve seen a lot of movies (local and international) where after exiting the movie house, I would say “Damn, I should have just eaten some stuff.” but for this movie, I simply told myself that it was worth it. The movie didn’t need special effects or cinematic views (although Sagada was featured in the film in a good way) to capture the people’s hearts. It was packaged beautifully for people to relate in a similar situation as the actors. (And I believe many did!)

If you would score the movie from 1 to 10, what would you give? Would you recommend it to others?

An 8.5/10 for sure! And you should watch the movie to know why!

There you go guys… My first ever movie review!

That Thing Called Tadhana