Tag Archives: fashion for men

Spread the Word

Yesterday was one of the most special days for my blog since for the first time, I shared its existence with many people in my workplace. The event was called “Preceptorship Training” where preceptors or in layman’s term, trainers from each unit in our hospital gathered to gain more knowledge and skills in guiding novice nurses to be more skilled and competitive in their crafts. Luckily, in my almost two years of stay in the hospital, I had the opportunity to be chosen as one of the preceptors in the Critical Care Unit.

It was a three-day workshop and on the third day, we were asked to do a teaching demonstration abouy anything under the sun. Upon hearing about it, I did not think of anything but sharing blogging to my colleagues. Of course I was a bit hesisant at first because I was anxious of their acceptance to this. However, something inside me told me to just do it so I did it.

Top, pants and shoes from Penshoppe


In my demo, I shared my blogging experiences from 2007 to present and taught them how to start their own blogs. We had a workshop where I split the group into two and asked them to create ootd blogs entitled “Summer ain’t over” and “Sunny Friday” respectively. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting too much not because they weren’t stylish enough but because I thought no one would buy my idea that much. When the final results came in, I was really thrilled with my eyes saw because they had extremely wonderful outputs and I didn’t think twice on placing them right here. Check out the two groups below!

This is from Sophie with the title "Summer ain't Over"
This is from Reyza with the title "Sunny Friday"

This training experience actually taught me that everyone is writing and as I said in my demo, you just have to write from the heart.

Get inspired. Get going.

photos by Kenneth Galang